Ted Turner Made His Managerial Debut – This DiSH for May 11

In 1977, Atlanta Braves owner Ted Turner stepped in as manager of his own team. 

In 1919, an extra innings pitcher’s duel featuring Walter Johnson at the Polo Grounds was played. 

In 1980, Dr. J made his signature move against the Los Angeles Lakers.

In 1982, the USFL announced they would start playing in the spring of ’83.

And in 1893, Frenchman Henri DesGrange set cycling’s original hour record. 

Lester Patrick literally saves the day – This DiSH for April 7

In 1928, New York Rangers head coach Lester Patrick inserted himself in as the goalie after Lorne Chabot took a puck to the eye. 

In 1935, Gene Sarazen hit the most famous shot at the Masters.

In 1963, Jack Nicklaus won the first of his six Masters Green Jackets.

In 1985, Herschel Walker ran for a USFL record 233 yards.

And in 1989, the movie ‘Major League’ opened in theaters. 

The Greatest Game Nobody Ever Saw – This DiSH for Feb. 24

In 1985 – A USFL classic featuring future Hall of Famers Steve Young and Jim Kelly.

In 1978 – Golden State Warrior Clifford Ray saved a dolphin’s life. 

And in 1961, Lee Petty and Johnny Beauchamp had a horrifying crash at Daytona. Here’s the video clip I mentioned in the episode of the Petty and Beauchamp wreck.


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