‘The opera isn’t over until the fat lady sings’ – This DiSH for March 10

In 1976, a famous sports phrase is seen in print for the first time. 

In 1888, John L. Sullivan and Charlie Mitchell fought to a 39 round draw in the pouring rain. 

And in 1991, Oklahoma State’s Eddie Sutton became the first NCAA basketball coach to take 4 different teams to the NCAA tournament. 

‘This Day in Sports History’ is a one person operation. I research, write, voice, and produce each show. So if you like the podcast, subscribe, rate and review and tell your friends about it!

Visit the show’s website: https://this-day-in.blubrry.net/

If you would like to support the work even more, you can buy me a beverage: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/thisdayinsports

And if you have an idea for a TDiSH story or if I got something wrong, email me at thrivesweet@gmail.com


This Day in Sports History – Dec. 12

In 1965, Chicago Bears running back Gale Sayers had an extraordinary day.

Also on this day, in 1968, Arthur Ashe became tennis’ number on player in the world.

In 1959, Jack Brabham pushed his race car across the line to secure the season championship. 

And in 2020, Mississippi State Football Coach Mike Leach passed away. 

‘This Day in Sports History’ is a one person operation. I research, write, voice, and produce each show. So if you like the podcast, subscribe, rate and review and tell your friends about it!

Visit the show’s website: https://this-day-in.blubrry.net/

If you would like to support the work even more, you can buy me a beverage: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/thisdayinsports

And if you have an idea for a TDiSH story or if I got something wrong, email me at thrivesweet@gmail.com