Two football greats connected in life, died exactly 60 years apart – This DiSH for May 18

In 1963, running back Ernie Davis died of Leukemia.

In 2023, 60 years later, Jim Brown died.

In 1912, Allan Travers gave up 26 hits and 24 runs in a game. The reason he had to endure a beat down goes back to what happened 3 day prior. 

In 2004, Randy Johnson pitched a perfect game against the Atlanta Braves. 

In 1997, Tiger Woods ‘C” game was good enough to win his fifth golf tournament in 16 starts. 

And in 2013, Nicolas Colsaerts ball wound up in an unusual place. 

Future of USA Boxing Gone in an Instant – This DiSH for March 14

In 1980, a plane crash killed members of USA Amateur Boxing

In 1991, 15th-seeded Richmond beat second seed Syracuse.

And in 1967, Bubba Smith was drafted by the Baltimore Colts. 

‘This Day in Sports History’ is a one person operation. I research, write, voice, and produce each show. So if you like the podcast, subscribe, rate and review and tell your friends about it!

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‘I went to a fight and a hockey game broke out’ – This DiSH for March 11

In 1979,. Randy Holt racked up an NHL record for penalty minutes. 

In 2006, Syracuse wrapped up one of the most improbable conference championship runs of all-time.

And in 1986, the NFL adopted a replay system. But it wouldn’t last. 

‘This Day in Sports History’ is a one person operation. I research, write, voice, and produce each show. So if you like the podcast, subscribe, rate and review and tell your friends about it!

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And if you have an idea for a TDiSH story or if I got something wrong, email me at

This Day in Sports History – Dec. 6

In 1992, one of the all-time great NFL receivers set a mark that still stands today.

And in 1961,  the Heisman trophy was awarded to a black athlete for the first time.

‘This Day in Sports History’ is a one person operation. I research, write, voice, produce, and pay for the hosting. So if you like the podcast, subscribe, rate and review and tell your friends about it!

Visit the show’s website:

If you would like to support the work even more, you can buy me a beverage:

And if you have an idea for a TDiSH story or if I got something wrong, email me at