Michael Jordan’s 63-point Playoff Game – This DiSH for April 20

In 1986, Michael Jordan scored a NBA playoff record 63 points against the Boston Celtics

In 1981, Toshihiko Seko and Allison Roe both set new records at the Boston Marathon.

In 1912, Fenway Park opened with Boston beating New York.

And in 1967, boxing promotor Don King beat a man so badly, he died five days later in a Cleveland hospital. 

‘This Day in Sports History’ is a one PERSON operation. I research, write, voice, and produce each show. So if you like the podcast, subscribe, rate and review and tell your friends about it! 

If you have an idea for a TDiSH story or if I got something wrong, email me at thrivesweet@gmail.com

Another Babe on the Baseball Diamond – This DiSH for March 20

In 1934, another Babe took to the pitcher’s mound to showcase their talent.

In 1975, a rare spring training brawl. Unsurprisingly, Billy Martin was in the middle of it. 

In 1976, Boston Celtic John Havlicek scored his 1000th point for the 14th consecutive season, a new NBA record. 

And in 2010, Northern Iowa knocked off top seeded Kansas in the NCAA tournament. 

‘This Day in Sports History’ is a one person operation. I research, write, voice, and produce each show. So if you like the podcast, subscribe, rate and review and tell your friends about it!

Visit the show’s website: https://this-day-in.blubrry.net/

If you would like to support the work even more, you can buy me a beverage: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/thisdayinsports

And if you have an idea for a TDiSH story or if I got something wrong, email me at thrivesweet@gmail.com