Roger Bannister’s 4-minute mile – This DiSH for May 6

In 1954, Roger Bannister became the first human to run a sub 4-minute mile.

In 1925, New York Yankee Everett Scott was benched by Miller Huggins after playing in 1,307 consecutive games.

In 1953, Bobo Holloman became the first major league pitcher to pitch a no-hitter in his debut. 

And in 1998, 20-year old Kerry Wood struck out 20 to become the second MLB player to do so in a 9-inning game. 

The Cardiac Pack Beats Phi Slama Jama – This DiSH for April 4

In 1983, NC State beat Houston to win the NCAA Basketball Tournament

In 1988, Kansas beat Oklahoma in another surprise NCAA Championship game.

In 2021, Stanford beat Arizona to win the Women’s NCAA Championship.

In 1898, Stanford and Cal played the first ever women’s intercollegiate basketball game. 

And in 1985, Tulane University eliminated its men’s basketball program. 

‘This Day in Sports History’ is a one PERSON operation. I research, write, voice, and produce each show. So if you like the podcast, subscribe, rate and review and tell your friends about it! 

If you have an idea for a TDiSH story or if I got something wrong, email me at

No Foolin’! Villanova pulled off the Shocker – This DiSH for April 1

In 1985, Villanova beat Georgetown to win the NCAA title in a shocker.

In 1991, Duke beat Kansas to win it’s first NCAA men’s basketball championship.

In 1978, New York Islander’s Mike Bossy became the first NHL rookie to score 50 goals in a season. 

And in 1969, the Seattle Pilots traded Lou Pinella for a couple of prospects. Also on this day in 1970, the Pilots declared bankruptcy. 

‘This Day in Sports History’ is a one PERSON operation. I research, write, voice, and produce each show. So if you like the podcast, subscribe, rate and review and tell your friends about it! 

If you have an idea for a TDiSH story or if I got something wrong, email me at

This Day in Sports History – Dec. 3

On this day in 1956, Wilt Chamberlain debuted for the Kansas Jayhawks and put on a performance that still tops the record book.

Also, in 2000 for the first time in NFL history, 4 running backs rushed for 200 yards a piece on the same day.

‘This Day in Sports History’ is a one person operation. I research, write, voice, produce, and pay for the hosting. So if you like the podcast, subscribe, rate and review and tell your friends about it!

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And if you have an idea for a TDiSH story or if I got something wrong, email me at