Wilt Turned Pro but didn’t go to the NBA – This DiSH for May 23

In 1958, Wilt Chamberlain gave up his final year at Kansas to turn pro but he couldn’t go to the NBA yet.

In 1977, jockey Steve Cauthen was thrown from his horse and injured badly. 

Also in 1977, Jack Nicklaus won his own golf tournament. 

In 1923 and again on the same day in 1924, Gene Tunney, the boxing Marine fought Harry Greg, the Pittsburgh Wildcat. 

In 1941, Joe Louis defended his title for the 17th time. 

The Harlem Globetrotters are born – This Dish for Jan. 7

In 1927, The Harlem Globetrotters played their first game.

In 1991, Pete Rose was released from federal prison after spending five months there.

And in, 1985, the Philadelphia Flyers 35-game unbeaten streak was broken.

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