What happened to Dancer’s Image? – This DiSH for May 4

In 1968, Dancer’s Image won the Kentucky Derby but was relegated to last a few days later. 

Also in 1968, the Pittsburgh Pipers won the first ABA Championship.

In 1984, Dave Kingman hit a ball into the roof of the Metrodome. 

In 1979, Kirk Gibson was selected by the St. Louis Cardinals in the NFL draft. 

And in 2003, David Toms had an quadruple bogey 8 on the final hole of the Wachovia Championship and still won by 2 shots. 


Traded for a Bus! – This DiSH for Jan. 19

In 1983, a hockey player is traded for a bus!

In 1974, Notre Dame beat UCLA breaking their 88-game winning streak.

In 2002, the ‘Tuck Rule’ game.

And in 2013, Lance Armstrong admits to doping. 

‘This Day in Sports History’ is a one person operation. I research, write, voice, and produce each show. So if you like the podcast, subscribe, rate and review and tell your friends about it!

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And if you have an idea for a TDiSH story or if I got something wrong, email me at thrivesweet@gmail.com