Ruth and Gehrig Bid Farewell – This DiSH for June 2

In 1935, Babe Ruth retired from baseball.

In 1941, Lou Gehrig died from the disease that would soon bear his name. 

In 1970, Bruce McLaren died in a test run on the Goodwood Motor Circuit in England.

In 1993, Charles Smith denied four times at the end of the game against the Chicago Bulls.

In 2000, Reggie Miller killed the New York Knicks again. 

In 1983, Patty Sheehan shot a 63 and went on to win the LPGA Championship. 

Eddie the Eagle Takes Flight! – This DiSH for Feb. 14

In 1988, Eddie the Eagle became a hero to underdogs everywhere, competing in the Olympics as a ski jumper. 

Also in 1988, Richard Petty survived a horrifying crash at the Daytona 500. 

And in 1990, Michael Jordan wore #12 in a game because his usual #23 had been stolen. 

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